Winter Birth
By Kevin Keil , Carey Landry

Advent & Christmas Arrangements for Piano and Solo Instrument
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
Advent & Christmas Arrangements for Piano and Solo Instrument
Advent & Christmas Arrangements for Piano and Solo Instrument
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
(From "Winter Birth")
Winter Birth is an instrumental collection for Advent and Christmas featuring six seasonal hymns skillfully arranged by Kevin Keil. The arrangements draw upon cherished traditional tunes such as “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” (VENI EMMANUEL) and “Creator of the Stars of Night” (CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM), as well as latter-day classics like “Hail Mary: Gentle Woman” and the “Carol of the Bells.”
This collection provides liturgical pianists and instrumentalists with wonderful options for moments when a short instrumental moment is appropriate – during the Prelude, Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts, a post-Communion meditation, Postlude and more. You can purchase a digital playlist of rehearsal tracks in addition to the collection’s playlist of full recordings.
Winter Birth continues the work of Keil’s previous instrumental Advent and Christmas collection, See Amid the Winter’s Snow, and serves as a companion to his The Glory of These Forty Days, which features instrumental arrangements for Lenten hymns, and The King of Love, which features traditional hymns for more general use.